The perfect dress

Oh, birthday echoes in silent halls,
Friends in oblivion, memory stalls.
No surprise parties or laughter’s glee,
Forgotten I am, in this birthday spree.

No cake adorned with candles so bright,
Just solitude’s embrace in the quiet night.
Friends lost in the mundane, unaware,
My birthday sails on, a lone affair.

Yet in this solitude, humor finds a place,
A celebration unique, in this empty space.
Friends, oh dear, your memory may wane,
But my forgotten birthday, a tale to entertain.

So here’s to the quiet, the unnoticed cheer,
A birthday unnoticed, yet oddly dear.
In the shadows of memory, a chuckle I find,
For a forgotten celebration, one of a kind!


Zoe dress from Sascha’s Designs

Reema EVOX head from CATWA

Walkman purse from Lowlyfe

Dare hair from Truth

Stella skin from the Skinnery in toffee

Jessica Necklace from Orsini

Luna body skin from the Skinnery

Classic mesh body from Legacy

Image courtesy using Flickr

Kitsch Street backdrop from The Bearded Guy

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