Where’s the sun

Where’s the sun

So today is bank holiday Monday in the U.K. and I was all set for some sunshine on the balcony and reading. Clearly the fact I am writing this in the past tense is an indicator that the said sun is not shining. Does it matter? Not really I can go with it and occupy [...]

Fantasy or reality?

Fantasy or reality?

There’s something quite adorable about a tricycle don’t you think? I had one as a child but seriously would have loved to have one as an adult, just like this. Mind you, picture this vision in reality. Maybe not ha ha. Still it conjures up a carefree time in life when I used to whizz [...]

The slice that crumbled

The slice that crumbled

At the moment I’m feeling a little kinda sad. So this scene is very poignant for me minus the svelte body and sassy bodysuit from eXxEsS. I was kind of seeing someone after not having physically dated in just over 7 years. Yeah you read that right! I became a virgin and a cat lady [...]

Another week goes by

Another week goes by

It’s the end of yet another weekend and a new week starts tomorrow. In the news nothing has changed, it’s all still dire and nothing really we are getting happy excited over. But then happiness doesn’t sell the news does it? Have you noticed that, we see every single day something that makes us nod [...]

My Fibro fog plan

My Fibro fog plan

So today I came up with a genius idea to deal with my Fibro fog which lately has been pretty much increasing. Daily I’m tired and feel like everything I do is a huge effort. Things have been changing in my body as well. My one elbow has a funny moment now and then and [...]

A tutorial?

A tutorial?

Yes I really did attempt a dummy tutorial. Because I’m the dummy giving my very basic tips. I nearly called it the Idiots guide, but I’m sure someone would have been offended. Nature of life these days, so I stuck with a Dummy’s guide. If you are a seasoned Second Lifer then this won’t be [...]

Cool as a cucumber

Cool as a cucumber

Here I am cool as a cucumber. Reality has it not so. Not only do I have some infection in my eye that started nearly a week ago but now I have brick feet and feel a tad unwell. What are those I hear you ask? There are kankles when your ankles swell. But for [...]

I stepped out

I stepped out

Today I stepped out with my friends for a day at the seaside. My one friend had her birthday today and of course food formed part of the trip out. Honestly with all the bad news around at the moment and financial worries we are all going through. Sometimes just dipping out for the day [...]

Being shwishy

Being shwishy

I’m feeling a little swishing today and tired at the same time. Watch the blog and you will work out why. Now about being shwishy. It’s Tuesday and why not. I’m looking all sophisticated and ready to go on adventure. It’s only the start of the week. Can you imagine Friday? Video:- https://youtu.be/Rr-eKXpO-xs Credits:- White [...]