Ready for action

This is me today. Ready for action!

I have a lot on my plate today and I’m not referring to my dinner.

I speak often about the role of a union rep and the added work that involves. Today is no exception. Quite a few meetings and some problem solving to do.

The thing is at the same time I am still expected to accomplish the day job. After all that is what I’m paid for.

However when the statement at the end of the year comes in rating union reps in the workplace supervision’s , it’s always “achieved the required standard”.

Yes it is very much a thankless task and one that is a bit like career suicide. Oh hang on a LOT like career suicide.

Would I stop doing it?



Because the ability to speak out for people who can’t find their voice is indeed the most powerful reward I get.

I also found my own voice.


Britney outfit from {MN} at the Hashtag Anniversary

Angel and Demon tattoo Hashtag Anniversary

Rare eyes  from A R T E

Sweet gloss from A R T E

Tropical eyeshadow from A R T E

Shelly hair from Analog Dog

Catya bento head from CATWA

Angel shape for the Catya head LizBitz

Lara mesh body Maitreya

Christy dark skin Lara Hurley

Shot on location at La Vie

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