Stepping out

Stepping out

I’m stepping out later today. I am going to my friends for an evening catch up. Of course taking goodies to eat as frankly there’s nothing quite like a catch up with drinks, food bits and fab conversation Today is the first day I feel spring may be on its way. It’s warm and I’m [...]



I feel like a good night out. Dressed up and romanced with some handsome stranger who just knows the right moves and banter. Instead I shall make do with my odd flirt on Bumble or Tinder. I’ve tried Thundr too and frankly I’ve come to believe the world is full of very troubled knob heads. [...]

The date

The date

I’m still waiting for my dream date. Did he turn up? Nope, not turned up. I waited a few days and I’ve decided to take a snapshot instead. The reason? So, my potential date, can see what he missed. One day he will see my wonderful self and wish he turned up for the date. [...]

Blow harder Ben!!!

Blow harder Ben!!!

She stepped outside her front door and realised it was already the month of December. Santa was training his new reindeer Ben that in order to rise, one had to blow hard! They were going nowhere fast and she stood there shocked as the time had flown by and she realised Christmas is coming. Off [...]

Gorgeous or Hagrid?

Gorgeous or Hagrid?

Let me confess something. I've spent hours perfecting my Second Life avatar, transforming myself into a dazzling gorgeous bombshell. All the while , just sitting here in my comfy pajamas, resembling Hagrid. It's a peculiar world where I feel stunning as an avatar while my real self is embracing the inner Hagrid in mucky nightie [...]

Spring just left my room

Spring just left my room

I’m not sure if spring has sprung. In fact right now I’m feeling Autumn is on its way. However I have to remind myself that in many parts of this world we live in, our seasons are at odds. So as chilly as I’m suddenly feeling in reality right now, let’s pretend it’s like my [...]

Virtual Allure

Virtual Allure

I have nothing to say in this blog, but then it comes with the video which speaks for itself. That’s how I’m rolling with this one. I enjoyed making this video as it’s a play on words and I always love the animations in Chez Moi products. Teamed with this dress I think I look [...]

A sunflower

A sunflower

What a gorgeous day it is in all worlds! A flower anyone? Actually I haven’t seen any sunflowers at all this past year or so. It was always the case I’d see peoples gardens with the reclusive sunflower creeping up high above the garden walls. None this year. not one. I’m thinking that maybe I [...]