Sugar and Nice

I am all things Sugar and Nice today. I’m in reality lazing on the sofa and am feeling a little nauseous and dizzy.

I’d say that was too much sugar!

I’ll learn one day it really isn’t my best friend. I’m actually sure it probably never was. Yet I cannot understand my need to want to have it. After all it always makes me feel rough and regretting.

I know I don’t like feeling like this but I seem to get carried away and still push myself into this feeling. It needs to stop.

The only thing Sugar and nice should be my outfit and look today. Not my poor eating choices.


Pealr Halter dress (with hud) from KiB Designs at the Vintage Fair June 7th-17th

Reema EVOX head from CATWA

Satine Hair from Exile

Stella skin from the Skinnery in toffee

Luna body skin from the Skinnery

Classic mesh body from Legacy

d backdrop from The Bearded Guy

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