Hangars Liquides

Today this blog is done  last minute and so is this video. So it will not be the wonderfully edited creation I want it to be but it will explain the reason as to why I am putting it out.

If you are not aware, the  wonderful Cyberpunk experience Hangars Liquides is coming to an end.  As blogged repeatedly by New World Notes

On July 31st it is due to close. But we don’t want that!!

Contribute here and make it stay!

This amazing 3D created place has been in Second Life since 2007 and is so well known that even The UK Guardian highlighted it  as one of the  largest virtual cyber punk cities in the metaverse.

William Gibson  has tweeted about it and Oprah Winfrey has had her picture taken with it posted behind her.

All the textures and mesh were created and  painted by the 3D artist known as Djehan Kidd

All sounds created especially for the city by HL’s founder La Pest

Now step back inside with me as I go to film again



Hangars Liquides can be found here

Kaisa Latex pants and top from Spoiled

Cyborg arms from Una.

Gem eyes  from Amara Beauty

Paradox   hair from Stealthic

Glam on eyeshadow from A R T E

Catya bento head from CATWA

Angel shape for the Catya head LizBitz

Lara mesh body Maitreya

Edie  skin in 04 from  Amara beauty

The original video I did there

4 thoughts on “Hangars Liquides

  1. It’s true that Art is a creative vision that is born out of the Imagination. Hangars Liquides is a living artwork in every sense of the word, and it’s not any the less for being built in a virtual world. Here’s hoping the Labs will reconsider and leave the sims open, purely as a tribute to what is possible for virtual designers and artists to achieve.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well sadly the TOS changed which means art installations can’t be profit making so technically cannot fund its existence by rentals. So I figure why not put it out there and see who does want to become part of it . Can but try 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sad to see such a lovely place go. Well, I can only speak from my own experiences: If a sim owner decides to close a place for whatever reasons, they will definately do it. I once donated 50,000 L$ to a place (years ago), but they closed it anyway.
    Of course we can still try to convince them to stay… Never give up hope.
    Places come and go. Thanks to the owners for bringing some beauty to SL. It’s always fun to explore certain places, but they all cost money.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh they don’t want to close it. Sadly they’re not able to sustain it as it due to the costs. It was originally funded on a arts award I believe. So we will see in the next week what can be achieved and maybe if it’s possible to get another grant . It’s difficult I guess due to different countries etc


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