Todays plans

Todays plans

It’s spring and yet I don’t forsee myself out and about picking sunflowers. Not just yet anyhow. It’s not quite the spring I was hoping for. Not yet anyhow. Instead my day may be filled with possibility and no decision. I may languish in my bed an hour longer and just read a book for [...]



Let’s face it, we are so busy in life these days we multi task just about everything. Gone are the days where we could spend time doing individual tasks. Now, we tend to do usually two at once because our lives are so busy and there really are not enough hours in our days. Then [...]

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves

Happy Wednesday and I wish reality looked like this today. But no it’s absolutely piddling down with rain and I managed to get as saturated as hell because my one umbrella is useless! Bit of wind and it blew inside out and then a truck on the road basically tidal waves me! Honestly remind me [...]

Pulled it again

Pulled  it again

I’ve pulled my shoulder again. A few days ago.Not much to say as it literally incapacitated me a few days as usual, This time around I laid off pc and did as little as I could to aggravate it and today it’s much better. A little niggly but way better, Im slowly learning that I [...]

Fresh flowers

Fresh flowers

I was looking at my Facebook the other day and a Freddy’s flowers advert popped up at me. Only those in the U.K. will know about Freddy’s flowers. They’re a home delivery service sending gorgeous flowers ready to bud that last weeks. When you get the box there are instructions inside how to arrange them [...]