Mini BBQ

Mini BBQ

So pretty soon I’m going to be just like my avatar. Lazing on a lounger feeling the sun on my skin. That’s the idea anyhow. My balcony is getting an overhaul on Thursday and Friday this week from a handsome dude and I cannot wait! I’ve booked those two days from work as I’ll need [...]



I’m absolutely knackered this evening and could have fallen asleep a good hour ago. Though I am on my way there now as I just need to slide under the duvet and hit my head on my pillow. I’m on leave a few days from work, last of the summer holidays and took time off [...]

The drunken strike

The drunken strike

There is no way you can deny that Harriet is the gift that keeps on giving. There’s a train strike and dear Harriet sees the jolly good fun that it can be. Now just watch the video. Courtesy of Mad Pea. VIDEO CREDITS Pour decisions wine vendor from MadPea at the EQUAL10 for June [...]

Along comes Christmas

Along comes Christmas

As Christmas draws closer I feel that I’ve not got time to do things. I’m pulled by real life work worries and things I want to get done at home and also the feeling of being headachey today. Honestly today I couldn’t concentrate on work as the weird heady feeling and a pair of sore [...]