
I’ve contemplated a lot of things recently. What I do in my life and blogging, SL and YouTube.

When I sit and count the pennies I realise that SL is a real financial cost. Seriously, actually a HUGE cost.

We kid ourselves that it brings us so much joy etc etc. Yet the fact is true real joy comes from reality and the relationships we forge in that reality. The ones we work on and the new ones we make. (Some from SL too, like my good friends Rosie, Krys and Yorkie)

I’ve been in SL on and off since it started in 2023. Different avatars along the way. In that time if I sit down and realistically look at the money I have invested, the emotions etc. I have to honestly ask myself, is my life any richer for it?

The honest answer? Nope!! Financially it is not. Friendships yes it is.

Why am I saying this? Because my reality has just got super financially hard to live in. No one in SL pays my bills, supports me emotionally or physically. That my friends is reality.

My blog is due to be paid for another year in the next few weeks. That is £100. I either pay to keep it going or I forfeit due to reality. It’s a dilemma I am in right now.

I love blogging. Absolutely love it . It’s my expression of me and never just a picture.

It’s my thoughts, my feelings. My living diary. But now I am faced with a hard decision.

So forewarning to anyone who reads this if I’m still here in 4 weeks I chose to forego some reality. If I’m not then you understand why.

Times are tough. I don’t spend any real money in my reality on anything really. It’s all here. I don’t smoke or drink or party or even go on holidays.

For me this space has always been my sanctuary. But now I have to be adult and decide…….

In the meantime I shall keep beavering until the very end.


Riley Outfit from Belle Epoque

Reema EVOX head from CATWA

Dare hair from Truth

Stella skin from the Skinnery in toffee

Luna body skin from the Skinnery

Classic mesh body from Legacy

Walk this way pose from Fashiowl

Shot on location at Luanes World

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