It’s ME!!!!

It’s ME!!!!

Look at me. Look at me. Yes it’s me!! Ok I’m messing as I’m kinda of at a loss today with myself. I can’t work as I’ve got man with a can here doing my balcony and it’s a case of GDPR if I do. So I took today and tomorrow off. I can’t go [...]

Mini BBQ

Mini BBQ

So pretty soon I’m going to be just like my avatar. Lazing on a lounger feeling the sun on my skin. That’s the idea anyhow. My balcony is getting an overhaul on Thursday and Friday this week from a handsome dude and I cannot wait! I’ve booked those two days from work as I’ll need [...]

One of those

One of those

It’s Sunday and I’m feeling a bit out of sorts. Most weekends it’s just me myself and I. I’m single in reality and aging and frankly unless you have someone in your life. Let’s face it, it’s a lonely existence getting older. I’m also financially struggling which doesn’t help as it limits the activities I [...]

Give me the strength

Give me the strength

This scene is just perfect to me. Summer vibes, nice outfit and lively animated patio set. In reality the scene couldn’t be any more further from it. It’s June and you would think winter is still here. At night its chilly and during the day nothing much more. Oh and today another day of rain [...]

Cheers ma Dears

Cheers ma Dears

I have no idea what I was trying to say in this photo. Honestly no idea. I just thought to myself ok “cheers ma dears!!!“ There is often a rhyme or reason to my pics whether they’re sarcasm or a reflection of my inner thoughts in reality. I think if you are a regular reader [...]

Sugar and Nice

Sugar and Nice

I am all things Sugar and Nice today. I’m in reality lazing on the sofa and am feeling a little nauseous and dizzy. I’d say that was too much sugar! I’ll learn one day it really isn’t my best friend. I’m actually sure it probably never was. Yet I cannot understand my need to want [...]

Resting B*tch Face

Resting B*tch Face

I have always been told that in reality I possess Bass Face. In other words Resting Bitch Face. I don’t argue with this as it’s very true. My thoughts and feelings often reflect on my face. So you can imagine when working and on Teams video it’s very much a daily battle of amazing acting [...]

Let me sit a while

Let me sit a while

I’m just stopping a moment on this seat as I am exhausted. My surroundings are a little scary but I’m sure I’ll be fine. Just a moment please. It’s only Monday but I am incredibly tired. I’ve been this way for a week now and each day it’s more. My body aches and my brain [...]



I think this picture is so true of most bloggers, videographers etc in Second Life. We are all big deals in our minds and our social circles. But, step away from what we do, we really are just like everyone else out there within reality. Sometimes I feel strongly that people can often develop that [...]