It’s burning up

It’s burning up

It’s getting hot in here!!! Finally we get what appears to be summer arriving. I want to book the week off work to enjoy it. I can’t go anywhere but to chill on my newly revamped balcony would be utter bliss. I don’t know about you but the new firestorm sucks a dick right now. [...]

It’s ME!!!!

It’s ME!!!!

Look at me. Look at me. Yes it’s me!! Ok I’m messing as I’m kinda of at a loss today with myself. I can’t work as I’ve got man with a can here doing my balcony and it’s a case of GDPR if I do. So I took today and tomorrow off. I can’t go [...]

Cheers ma Dears

Cheers ma Dears

I have no idea what I was trying to say in this photo. Honestly no idea. I just thought to myself ok “cheers ma dears!!!“ There is often a rhyme or reason to my pics whether they’re sarcasm or a reflection of my inner thoughts in reality. I think if you are a regular reader [...]

Sugar and Nice

Sugar and Nice

I am all things Sugar and Nice today. I’m in reality lazing on the sofa and am feeling a little nauseous and dizzy. I’d say that was too much sugar! I’ll learn one day it really isn’t my best friend. I’m actually sure it probably never was. Yet I cannot understand my need to want [...]

Resting B*tch Face

Resting B*tch Face

I have always been told that in reality I possess Bass Face. In other words Resting Bitch Face. I don’t argue with this as it’s very true. My thoughts and feelings often reflect on my face. So you can imagine when working and on Teams video it’s very much a daily battle of amazing acting [...]

Happy Saturday

Happy Saturday

Happy Saturday you lovely people. I’m currently sat with wet hair and a 8 year old next to me as he has come for the afternoon. Tippi is asleep on my bed. I’ll let her have her quiet time as she is pretty weak at the moment. I’ve just ordered some more liquidised cat food [...]

Sun kissed

Sun kissed

I’m just about to crash into my bed. Tell a lie, I’m already in it. I meant close eyes and fall asleep. It’s been a weekend of sunshine and blue skies. I’ve tried really hard not to sit in the sun like I used to. Im all about skin protection etc these days, having been [...]

Post Valentines

Post Valentines

Valentines has been and gone. How did I spend mine you may ask? With the most handsome young man who just makes me smile everyday the minute I think of him. My grandson. He turned up with a single red rose and a card he made me. In turn I gave him a card and [...]